Make preparations in advance. Before releasing the pulp,you can stretch the felt firstly, but do not make it over-tensioned. If it is over-stretched, the press felt will shrink horizontally, resulting in deformation of the base cloth eyelet and making water filtration problematic.
Make sure that the vacuum and washing system can operate normally. Observe the standard line running and deformation of the felts and adjust them as soon as you find any problems.
1. Take care not to damage the press felt artificially and avoid cutting. To prevent wear and tear of the press felt, wash it evenly.
2. Try your best to avoid foreign objects entering the pressing zone.
Clean the felt regularly and pay attention to the norms when using chemical detergents.
3. When the machine is offline for 4-5 hours or more, the felt should be cleaned and allowed to relax.
4. To prolong the life of your press felt, you need to wash it regularly. Washing is the key to a longer life and less paper problems.
Please do not hesitate to contact us when you have any questions.